Fall Speaker Series: In Defense of Fear
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In Defense of Fear, explores people’s instinct to retreat from fear, and challenges them to instead embrace, even enjoy their fears. Joe will share some personal and anecdotal accounts, as well as his own struggles with: impostor syndrome, a fear of success, and procrastination. Sharing how his experience in becoming friends with his fears has positively impacted his career and personal life/relationships, making him a better & more empathetic person.

Joseph Carter-Brown is a “devsigner”—a jack of-all-trades designer who blends conceptual thinking, creativity, and technical prowess to provide solutions for digital, physical, and organizational problems.

By day, Joe is a designer for Unleashed Technologies, helping medium and large-sized corporations forge their online brand strategies. By night (and most days, truth be told), he is President of AIGA Baltimore, where he works hard to connect designers to broader professional & educational resources in the Baltimore community and raise awareness of design’s importance in the larger corporate, social, and economic conversation nationally.

When not immersed in design work, he enjoys sports, cooking, big ideas, engaging in deep (or ridiculous) discussions with whomever will listen and spending time with his family.

When & Where
Wed, Oct 4, 2017 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Carmax's Shockoe Slip
140 Virginia Street
Richmond, VA 23219