2021-03-17 00:00:00
2021-03-31 00:00:00
AIGA March Webinars
AIGA Richmond
For the beginning of 2021, AIGA Member Series events remain open to all, regardless of AIGA membership. In April, members will have access to webinar content for free as a member benefit.
Don’t miss out! Join today to have access to all 2021 webinar programming for free as a member benefit, along with conference discounts, national and local networking, and members-only content such a contracts and legal guides and research reports.
Design as Self-Enactment
Wednesday, 3/17
12:00 p.m. PT | 3:00 p.m. ET
Ariel Guersenzvaig will explore the notion of responsibility as a virtue and what it might mean for a professional designer to be responsible. The practice-based account of professional ethics Ariel puts forward has very little to do with codes of ethics and with the classical understandings of responsibility. Focusing on responsibility, which is typically called for in complex situations, can serve to structure a more coherent account of what it means to be an ethical professional designer.
Book Launch: Brown, Black + Latinx Design Educators
In partnership with Princeton Architectural Press
Thursday, 3/25
11:00 a.m. PT | 2:00 p.m. ET
Join us for a book launch of Black, Brown + Latinx Design Educators: Conversations on Design and Race by Kelly Walters. Kelly will be joined by Ashley Doughty, Shantanu Suman, and Samuel Romero for a panel discussion.
This book collects twelve deeply personal interviews with graphic design educators of color who teach at colleges and universities across the United States and Canada, centering their childhood experiences, their undergraduate and graduate studies, and their career paths in academia and practice.
Tickets: $30.94 + fees
The ticket price includes a copy of Black, Brown + Latinx Design Educators that will be shipped before the event (delivery by March 25 not guaranteed).
One Designer, One Work
Dian Holton
Friday, 3/26
11:00 a.m. PT | 2:00 p.m. ET
This new virtual series features one designer showcasing a work that is personally meaningful. We’ll hear what inspires, challenges or guides them. Expose yourself to new material by exploring with our guest.
One Designer, One Work
Ann Marie Puente Explores Unconventional Creators
Wednesday, 3/31
9:00 a.m. PT | 12:00 p.m. ET
This new virtual series features one designer showcasing a work that is personally meaningful. We’ll hear what inspires, challenges or guides them. Expose yourself to new material by exploring with our guest, AIGA National Board Member Ann Marie Puente. Ann Marie will highlight institutional disruption by exploring the secret history of the Rape Kit, as investigated by New York Times writer Pagan Kennedy.
Registration Now Open! AIGA Design + Business Conference
May 12–14, 2021
Fueling growth, delivering brand loyalty, and creating cultural impact and meaningful social change—design is at the heart of every successful business. Join us to see firsthand how design is impacting businesses in measurable ways.
Register today and receive special discount pricing for the virtual AIGA Design Conference September 20–24 (a savings of over $500). Nonmembers purchasing the discounted AIGA Design Conference package will also receive a complimentary Supporter membership through December 31, 2021.
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Wed, Mar 17, 2021 - Wed, Mar 31, 2021